Join us at the AM Forum Berlin!
“Creating competitive advantage with AM in a VUCA world” that’s the 7th AM Forum 2023 Berlin slogan.
Ralf Krieger will welcome you at the Extrude Hone booth (#H04) among the 90 other exhibitors.
The AM Conference brings AM decision-makers and experts together around exciting user stories and cases for industrial AM applications.
This year AM Forum Berlin expects about 750 participants to exchange in an in-person event only.
80 speakers will present during these days at the ECC BERLIN.
At Extrude Hone, we have been gradually involved with more and more customers through their many new applications, and we face these new challenges together.
From F1 racing to Energy, from Space to Medical, AM finishing now contributes to a significant part of our business. Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) is the leading technology Extrude Hone leverages in this AM world. This strong demand pushed us to investigate new abrasive and polymer media formulas to address the specific needs of the AM business and deliver even better finishing performance.
Join us to share a moment talking about our AM passion and figure out how we could help.
#amforum23 @AM Forum Berlin