Thermal Deburring (TEM) Contract service in Bangalore, getting Burrs removed in the blink of an eye, what customer Unitech CNC Centre says about it.
Unitech CNC Centre is a precision component manufacturing company located at the industrial hub of Bangalore.

Over the last two decades, the company has created a niche in fuel injection and hydraulic systems component manufacturing.
Mr. Vadi Vel, the Unitech CNC director, said,
“We serve industries from Automotive, construction, earth moving, agriculture, and general engineering sectors using the best machines and tools available.”

Unitech CNC’s experienced team of engineers can produce a solution that meets all the customer expectations like quality, cost, and lead time.
In 2019, while working on some critical components, Unitech needed a thorough deburring process.
Mr Vadivel highlighted, “The conventional deburring methods were falling short of ever-increasing expectations and creating a supply bottleneck. At that time, we contacted Extrude Hone India. Their contract manufacturing facility was able to run a few Thermal deburring (TEM) trials, optimizing parameters for the various specific product types for the best outcome.”
Since then, Unitech has been using an Extrude Hone contract manufacturing facility, and many components, made of SG iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel, get thermally deburred regularly.

Be it a manifold, a valve body, or a fuel injection system component, the thermal deburring process eliminates burrs from the most inaccessible intersections, which was impossible otherwise. Mr. Vadivel emphasized, “Moreover, the workpieces are now finished within a day, eliminating the bottleneck.”
Unitech has also tried Extrude Hone Electrochemical machining (ECM) capabilities for a component where a defined edge radius was required.
Recently, a team of prospective overseas customers from Unitech jointly visited the Extrude Hone facility.
Mr. Vadivel ends with a positive note, “We found a business partner in Extrude Hone and can jointly win some critical projects in domestic and overseas markets.”
UNITECH Centre Pvt. Limited
# 559, 14th Cross, 4th Phase, 2nd Stage, Opp VITC Building, Peenya Industrial Estate, Bengaluru-560058, Karnataka, India