Shape your future by working at extrude hone

Whether in medical technology, Formula 1, aviation, heavy-duty or automotive: Our technologies are used wherever the highest precision and performance are required. We deburr and optimize metallic surfaces using Electrochemical Machining (ECM), Thermal Deburring (TEM) and Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) processes. Our technologies also help to reduce emissions and fuel consumption. They are also used in alternative mobility concepts, such as hybrid drives or purely electric drives. Our custom machines are in use worldwide.

If you would like to play an active role in shaping our company, please send us your application!
Our more than 300 employees* worldwide are vital to our success. They are the ones who are in contact with our customers every day, developing and building machines. Together we shape our future. Have a closer look to our map, you may find an Extrude Hone facility close to your home city.
Our technical experts come from the fields of mechanical engineering, production and process engineering, and materials technology. In addition, we regularly assign projects for bachelor’s or master’s theses.

As an employer we offer the following:
- unlimited employment, if desired also with international development opportunities (US, Europe, Asia)
- remuneration, pension contributions and vacation in line with the market
- mobile working after consultation with the team
- language training

Latest Jobs:

Extrude Hone GmbH
Head of Human Resources
Miriam Schnatterbeck
Bgm.-Merk-Straße 1
D-87752 Holzgünz
Tel: +49 (0) 8393 9434 0

Contact to Irwin HR Department:
Extrude Hone LLC
Jani Rybacki
235 Industry Blvd.
Irwin, PA 15642
Tel: +1 724.863.5900