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Extrude Hone offers customers an array of surface solutions. ​

From Capital Equipment (machine and fixtures) to Aftermarket and Contract Shop​

We  support customers with Engineering making sure we develop the right production process using the suitable machine and  fixtures. We have experts who take care of  specific cathodes or media design to ensure the best results optimizing your application maximizing your benefits.​

Our Technical Centers support are there to help you  making the first step discovering a new process or digging in details in an application optimization.​

Contracts Shops offer the opportunity to overflow your production and to gain flexibility or simply to answer the need for pure outsourcing, we can accommodate low to medium volume production answering your needs for support during ramp up of production conversion.​

As soon as you have an equipment we stay beside you offering various aftermarket possibilities to make sure you keep your asset in good shape and ready to deliver the best output quality.​
